Full Day Trekking Tour

Short Information of the Tour.

Tour Code: AETT 001

Name of the Tour: Full Day Eco Trekking Tours to Asheton Maryam Monastery Church.

Area: Koyeta Village, Mount Asheton Maryam, Merbarbu and Kechen Abeba Village View.

Total Duration: 5 – 6 Hours

Best Season: Throughout the Year

Grade: Easy

Altitude: 2,630 – 3,500m.

Total Trekking Distance: 16km.

Required Level of Fitness: Walking ability for about 6 Hours and fit for an altitude difference.

Price Inclusive:-

– English Speaking Guide
– Lunch (Some Fruits and Packed Water)
– Bottled mineral water (Two bottles of packed water per a day) Never mind, we will offer if you need more than that.
– Fruit (Banana or Orange)
– Mango Juice

Price Exclusive:-

– All Alcoholic Drinks
– Breakfast and Dinner
– Church entrance fee
– Costs for any additional kinds of Transportation (Horse Ride or Car)

After you arrive Lalibela city, The day before your trekking starts, our trekking guide or tour organiser will meet you and explain about the details of the tour.

The next morning at 7:45am your trekking guide will meet you again at the reception of your Hotel and your trekking will began.

After 30 minutes, you will find yourself leaving the town and enjoy the panoramic view of Lalibela town as you take in the fresh air of the Lasta mountains and the highlands of Ethiopia. At this point you will start spotting the rock-hewn churches, your Hotel and village of Lalibela town from the mountain trail.

This trip offers a unique combination of spectacular scenery, culture and history. You will pass through the Afroalpine forest, remote villages and farmland.

Then after 2.30h walk, you will arrive to a small village located at 3,300 metres above see level. The scenery is wonderful here, allowing the perfect
opportunity to take a break, enjoy the scenery and a much needed snack of fresh fruit to get some energy.

Once we start walking again, after 15 minutes, we will be in the middle of the small village. If you wish we offer you a short time of visit the village and if you are interested, you will be invited to see the inside part of a farmer’s house with an Ethiopian coffee ceremony. There is something authentic and natural about participating in a coffee ceremony in a mountain village, one opportunity not to be missed by first time visitors. The Farm house visit and coffee ceremony is a very interesting experience that we advice our guests to do, because it is a great opportunity to see how the Ethiopian houses looks like from inside, the tools we use, and how the animals and people live together in this small house!

Passing through this amazing local communities village, following the steep road which looks like a twisted rope that hugs around the mountain, will take about additional 25 minutes on foot, However, I would like to assure you that the end will be a sweet rewarding experience as you will arrive to Asheten Maryam monastery church. Built on a ridge at 3,500m altitude, 8km from Lalibela, lays this 13th century monastery, offering excellent views of the surrounding countryside. Inside the monastery you find the 13th century processional crosses of King Nakuto Le’Abe who ruled Ethiopia for 40 years just after King Lalibela.

On the top of this mountain, you will have your lunch and we will keep hiking to the next mountain Merebarbu which is 3km far from the church, standing parallel to Mount Asheton Maryam, Here you will be able to spot the Ethiopian endemic Monkey called “Gelada Baboon” (Theropithecus Gelada), the biggest Bird Lammergeier (Gypaetus Barbatus) and Buzzards.

After spending some time over this mountain and enjoy the panoramic view of the Ethiopian highlands, we will start walking downhill to Lalibela and your Full Day Eco Friendly Trekking and Community Based Tourism Tour will end in front of your Hotel.