The Community we Support

Community based tour around Lalibela
The local communities Children that we support, Picture taken when getting together to the annual school supplies distribution time in front of Access Tours community school!

Dear our previous, current and future clients,


We like to keep you updated on the local communities that we support with the help of our respected clients.

It is the income we earn when you travel with us that allows us to offer assistance to the Lalibela Hospital, community school students and the Access Eco Trekking Tour football club.

Eighteen innocent children study at the Lalibela primary school. With your help, we provide for their annual school supplies. We have also become a certified children football club and play at the children league games in Lalibela.

Additonally, we also support street children in Lalibela. One of our previous clients even taught a group of them metal and wood work design.


Access Ethiopia Tours, the community we support

Our metal, wood work and design students who were a Street boys before!

Access Eco Trekking Tours Football club at Lalibela!

Access Eco Trekking

The community that Access Eco Trekking Tours Supports with our customers!

The local community we support

The children of Access Eco Trekking Tours!

The children we support
Thank you Mr. Julian, Richard and Mrs. Sarah!
Access Eco trekking
Children of Access Eco Trekking Tours Receiving their school supplies!
Community trek in Lalibela
The girls we support to get a better school around Mount Abuna Yosef

Prices of traveling in Ethiopia

Budget travel in Ethiopia
Inside Access Eco Trekking Tours school found in the village of Mount Abuna Yosef!
Birds of Mount Abuna Yosef
Inside the school!
Hiking in Lalibela
The notebook and pen we provide the children!
Community tourism in Lalibela, Ethiopia
Access Eco Trekking Ethiopia Tours helping girls to continue their schooling in Lalibela!
Outdoor activities around Lalibela
Our Tour Guide Delivering the school supplies to the children!
Mountain hiking in Ethiopia
Children of Mount Abuna Yosef being happy having the school supplies for the next school season!
Helping children in Lalibela, Ethiopia
Even very small children coming to the school to get their school supplies from Access Eco Trekking Tours!
Community trekking in Ethiopia
Hudad, the mountain above Lalibela town about 3,600m our customers enjoying the panoramic view of the highlands of Ethiopia with the local community!