Tour Guide Bio’s

This page explains about the Biography of Access Ethiopia Eco TrekTours, Eco trekking, Local tour and travel company in Ethiopia tour guides and we hope that this helps our costumes to know with whom they would make their trip!

Tour guide of access eco trekking
Our Eco Trekking, Local Tour and community tour guides in Ethiopia.

At Outdoor adventures in Ethiopia, we run all year round Eco trekking, mountain hiking, community based tourism, outdoor activities, city tour, historical, cultural trips, backpacking, and local tour to Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar, Gondar, Lalibela, Semien Mountain National park, Axum, Adigrat, Mek’ele, churches of Tigray, Danakil depression (Erta Ale), Arba Minch, Konso, Jinka, Turmi, Mursi, Omorate, Dasenech and Harar city in Ethiopia.

Our local tour and travel guides are CPR and Wilderness First Aid certified. we ensured that a smooth and enjoyable group dynamic was maintained and every hiking guides are also trained to triangulate their position and navigate by compass and map.

Our Eco Trekking, local tour, community tourism guides and team members were born in Ethiopia’s mountainous regions of Northern and southern Ethiopia and have spent their childhoods travelling the endless trails of these parts of the country.

Our staff has intimate knowledge of the terrain, the people, the cultures you will encounter on your Eco trekking, local tour and Community based tourism in Ethiopia.

With our 11+ years of experience and knowledge, it is our goal to offer a life time memorable tour and travel service in Ethiopia and we set out an exciting but safe, independent and fully supported group tourism.

Wasihun Ayele:

Community tour in Ethiopia
Kanu, Your tour guide in Ethiopia and the Manager of Access Ethiopia Eco Tours.

Kanu, the Manager and Tour Operator of Access Ethiopia Eco Tours, worked as Eco Trekking, Community Tourism and Private local Tour guide for the town of Addis Ababa, Lalibela, Bahir Dar, Gondar, Axum, Adigrat, churches of Tigray, Mek’ele, Danakil depression, Southern and Eastern Ethiopia, while acting as the member of Addis Ababa city tour guide association.

He has lived over 29 years in both Addis Ababa and Lalibela. Observing thousands of guests to Lalibela who would stroll the historic churches of Lalibela and visit the unique handicraft shops and restaurants of Lalibela, he realized that many of the many of them left without learning about hidden beauty of Mount Abune Yosef, the tradition of the local community and the great historic relevance of Lalibela to the entire history of the people around Lalibela.

That’s when he decided to begin the local, Eco Trekking, Community Based Tourism and mountain hiking tour company that would bring people from every corner of the world to Lalibela Mount Abuna Yosef, Addis Ababa, Gondar, Bahir Dar, Axum, Mek’ele, Danakil depression, churches of Tigray and southern Ethiopia while narrating the rich history of the area with its people who their hands were behind the amazing 4th, 11th, 17th and 20th century churches of Lalibela, Aksum, Gondar, Harar, Lucy, churches of Tigray and Addis Ababa.

On the tour, guides would tell about habitats, nature and tradition of the local communities in Ethiopia and would tell many historically accurate stories of every travel destinations and the country in general.

In his past, Kanu attended the National Tour Management Institute in Addis Ababa. He was also a professional Reception in different hotels and tour guide in the country.

Kanu is one of our Eco friendly trekking and Community based tourism tour guide and our company Access Eco Trekking Tours is lucky to have him!

Eshetu Abate:

Local tour company in Lalibela
Kanu and Eshetu! Your tour guide in Lalibela, Ethiopia

Eshetu comes from one of the original pioneer families that settled at the historical town of Lalibela, Ethiopia. So, he has always had a special passion for the history of Lalibela. Eshetu spent many a day in Lalibela during his childhood, hanging out with his friends around the churches of Lalibela and over the Ethiopian highlands on Mount Abune Yosef!

“My grandparents sold potato products from their farm in a small village near Mount Abune Yosef during Lalibela’s early days; My Father’s farm land on the top of a mountain and we should walk a long distance to cultivate our land.

My Father was so passionate with farming and herbal plants. I am not sure if this is why I seem to attract about adventure, mountain hiking and outdoor activities on Mount Abune Yosef, or if it has something to do with finding a way to continue my high school in Lalibela as most of the children in our village. But every month the energy seems to become more intense as we need to walk more than 50km to attend our high school in Lalibela. However, I feel happy by the amazing nature that Mount Abuna Yosef has and I don’t feel that I am always walking this distance!

After attending my high school, I went to the vocational school in Lalibela and I attend about Eco Trekking and Community Tourism which helps me to stay in Lalibela and find a job.”

Eshetu thoroughly enjoys working both the Eco Trekking and Community based tourism tours for Access Eco Trekking Tours and we are lucky to have him!