Who we are

Kanu (Manager and Tour Operator of Access Ethiopia Eco Tours)

Denakil Depression, Dallol, Erta Ale, Afar Region, Ethiopia, Access Eco Trekking Tours
Denakil Depression, Dallol

My name is Aki Ayele (Kanu). I grew up on a farm in the highlands of Lalibela with my nomadic family of 13.

Life wasn’t simple, but the vast fields bore witness to my curiosity. As a kid, I learned to obey the rules of Mother Nature, the traditions of my local community and the importance of education and hard work. I spent my time as a shepherd and doing the hard work of tilling, planting, fertilizing and harvesting.

When I was older, I went to school in Lalibela and later to Addis Ababa where I got my diploma in three different fields of studies — tourism, human resource management and the French language. I also attended more training at the Lalibela Vocational School in order to stay updated with current happenings and worldwide information.

As a member of the global family, I believe it is important to protect our world. I have kept that in mind as I worked as a trekking guide in the Nech Sar, Awash, Abune Yosef, Bale and Simien Mountains National Parks.

For over a decade, I have led tours for people from all over the world in Addis Ababa and in tourist and non-tourist attractions across Ethiopia.

I am now the manager and tour operator of Access Ethiopia Eco Tours. I try to operate it responsibly with commitment and honesty.

All of the guides and other team members of our community-based company were born in Lalibela, around the mountainous regions of Northern Ethiopia. We have spent our childhoods traveling the endless trails of these parts of the country. We have intimate knowledge of the terrain, the people, and the cultures you will encounter in this corner of the country.

We are a happy team who loves our job. Each of us has a minimum of seven years working experience with a different company and are certified with at least three years of tourism study from the Lalibela Vocational School. We all speak very good English and are eager to help you communicate with the community and understand the area.